Brigid Mary M’Nearey, Cloonfree, Co. Roscommon. Blindness of right eye. The eye had been sightless for the space of 18 years.

The following letter affords the best evidence of the case that anyone could desire :



February 26, 1880

Dear and Very Rev. Archdeacon,

It is with great pleasure I inform you that my eye still continues to improve. I had the great happiness of visiting Knock on the 2nd inst. On the following Wednesday, immediately after Mass I could see my hand for the first time this eighteen year, and every day since my sight is improving, thank God. In the year 1861 I received a severe wound in my right eye, the result of a piece of spring steel striking me by accident. All that could be done for me by medical skill was done, and of no avail. After a year’s suffering I completely lost the sight, till the aforesaid date, I purpose with God’s help, to visit Knock on the 25th March next. Very Reverend Sir, no words could describe the happiness I feel in soul and body since I had the privilege of visiting that holy place. I beg to be excused for trespassing on your valuable time.

Thanking you for former kindness, believe me, very Rev. Sir,

Your faithful and obliged servant,

Brigid MAry M’ Nerney


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